Remember the plank? That was a fascinating trend. How long could you hold that position? One minute, five minutes some people were up to ten minutes. What many don't realize is that those long holds quickly become pointless as they just increase endurance for one very specific pose. In order to take full advantage of any exercise movement must be included. Fortunately there is a way to easily add movement to this simple exercise and build incredible abdominal strength and functionality.
This series of dynamic planks includes a multi-directional movements intended leverage the different planes of the body. Even better some of these positions can incorporate resistance bands into the movement to take these exercises even further.
Plank With Left and Right Lateral Flexion

In standard plank position, keep hands and head stationary and back flat, resting on your toes, as you drive hips from left to right. Do 3 to 5 reps.
Plank With Hip Flexion and Extension
In standard plank position, rotate your shoulders and torso, rolling from your toes onto the sides of your feet, in order to bring hips down towards floor, from left to right and back. Do 3 to 5 reps.
Plank With Leg Abduction and Adduction
In standard plank position, keeping back flat and head and hands stationary and right leg elevated, drive hips from left to right, crossing right leg over left and back, keeping right foot flexed. Do 3 to 5 reps; switch legs and repeat.
Plank With Leg Rotation
Plank With Hip Flexion and Extension

Plank With Leg Abduction and Adduction

Plank With Leg Rotation

In plank position with right leg elevated, right knee bent, pivot on your left foot and rotate hips and shoulders to the left as you drive your right knee across your torso from right to left, then drive right heel up and to the left behind you, rotating your hips to the right. Do 3 to 5 reps; switch legs and repeat.
Plank With Arm Abduction and Adduction
Get into standard plank position, hands directly beneath shoulders. Drive hips from left to right as you simultaneously drive right hand from hip to above your head in a semicircle. Think of the arm motion you make during a jumping jack. Do 3 to 5 reps; switch arms and repeat. For a more advanced challenge add a resistance band held by one end in the active hand and secured by the other end to the corresponding foot or ankle.Plank With Arm Abduction and Adduction
Plank With Arm Rotation
In standard plank position, hands directly beneath shoulders, rotate hips to the right as you bring extended right arm up to shoulder height, then rotate hips to the left as you drive right hand beneath and across your torso. Do 3 to 5 reps; switch arms and repeat. For a more advanced challenge add a resistance band held by one end in the active hand and the other end secured by opposite arm's elbow.
Get into a side plank, resting on left forearm, feet stacked, right arm elevated. Mimic a jumping jack motion, bringing right leg up to hip height as you bring your right hand from hip height to above your head. Do 3 to 5 reps. (NOTE: With the side plank series, you will do all three planks on each side before switching to the opposite arms and legs and repeating the sequence). For a more advanced challenge add a resistance band held by one end in the active hand and secured by the other end to the corresponding foot or ankle.
Side Plank With Arm and Leg Flexion and Extension

Plank With Hip Flexion and Extension
Plank With Leg Flexion and Extension

Get into standard plank position, hands directly beneath shoulders, and lift right hand off ground. Lower hips towards ground, driving extended right arm forward, then drive hips upwards towards ceiling and drive extended right arm directly behind you, so that feet are flat and head points downwards, forming an upside-down V with your body. For a more advanced challenge add a resistance band held by one end in the active hand and secured by the other end to the corresponding foot or ankle.
*The material on this website is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only, and is not intended for diagnosis or treatment.
cool stuff
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