Saturday, July 22, 2017

Don't resist the Bands

Resistance bands are a great item to incorporate into a workout. Typically the portability seems to be what makes them most attractive. As it turns out these can be more than just fitness tools for when people are on vacation. Resistance bands can create new challenges for developing muscles and physical strength. Unlike a dumbbell or barbell the resistance is always active with the bands. Because of this the muscles are always being engaged and activated at all points and angles in an exercise. This can translate into better overall gains at a higher rate.
What's great is there is an opportunity to get creative with a workout. Try adding bands to a weightlifting workout to add that special opposing force. For those who enjoy Yoga including the bands can activate supporting muscles in surprising ways. Consider incorporating a brief but surprisingly demanding routine to place at the end of a heavy lifting routine. This will really test the body's upper limits and achieve real muscle failure. The versatility of the bands is what makes them truly valuable.

Seriously consider all of the benefits, but likely the best is that resistance bands are relatively inexpensive and durable. There are many workouts that have been crafted making use of bands exclusively, have a look for some out there but here is a sampling of a couple.

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